Together With My Family in the USA Now - Christine, USRN
January 27, 2021

Each month, our International Employee Supervisor Team selects one or two spectacular A-players on assignment to showcase their journey. We asked our healthcare professional to share his or her story of perseverance, adjustment, and professional growth.Christine is from the Philippines and is currently working at a client facility in Maryland. She has been working in her field for 8 years and has been with PassportUSA for over two years.Why did you decide to become a registered nurse? "Aside from the stability of the profession and the dream of going to the U.S., my passion for empathy encouraged me to take up nursing."Before coming to the U.S., where did you practice your profession? "I was a NICU nurse in the Philippines for 6 years. I have not experienced working in any other place aside from my hometown in the Philippines."Why did you want to come to the U.S.? "The top reason I wanted to come to the U.S. was that I wanted to have a complete family. I wanted me and my husband to be present together as we raise our daughter. My husband was a seafarer and would leave us for some time to work to support our needs. Me working in the U.S. means that we can always be together now."How did you first hear of PassportUSA? "I first saw an advertisement on my Facebook feed that they are sponsoring nurses to work in the USA with free relocation and reimbursement. Upon seeing it, I was curious about how true it was, so I decided to apply to their program."How is your experience working with your PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor (IES) so far? "Fortunately, I was given the best IES in my opinion! From my arrival upon my U.S. transition, she is always there to guide me and help me adjust. All of my queries are answered in a timely manner and she always checks in to see how I am doing."Would you recommend PassportUSA to other people and why? "Absolutely yes! They are legitimate in everything. I am happy I was placed in the NICU and I have about one more year before I finish my contract with them."How does working in the U.S. differ from your healthcare career abroad? "I would say that the clinical setup and fast pacing environment is different but the skills and fundamentals of nursing remain the same."What is your favorite inspirational quote? "In everything, let your positive attitude abound and always give thanks, for this is the will of God."[caption id="attachment_356261" align="aligncenter" width="865"]

Christine with her family and friends at Letchworth State Park, located in New York[/caption]
Thank you Christine for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to your profession and our company!
We are currently hiring registered nurses! If you're a registered nurse who is not being guided to your dream of the USA by PassportUSA, simply apply with us today and we’ll help get your journey to the USA underway!

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